Interview Alexandra of Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler

I am Alexandra, mostly called Alex, a crazy girl from Slovakia. I have been a professional blogger since March 2011 and have no base ever since. I run a few travel blogs: Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler, We Travel Around the World, Fit when Traveling and starting a new one Visiting Slovakia.

Alex di Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler

1. Do you remember the moment you decided to leave everything and start travelling?

Yes, very well. I was visiting home town in Slovakia in January 2011 and I told my family I was going to quit my job once back in Brindisi where I used to work at that time. I went back to work, gave a month notice, gave most of my clothes and other things to charity and left to Mexico that I always wanted to visit.

2. Where have you been right now?

In the past 2 months I went from Slovakia to Ukraine, then Hungary, Portugal, Spain, back to Slovakia, then I visited Hungary, Italy, back to Slovakia, England and again Slovakia where I am right now visiting my family.

3.How is living like a travel blogger, how can you manage it?

It is TOUGH! You can earn money with so many different jobs easier than blogging. It takes so much time and you have to be good at many things at once but I love it as I am my own boss, I can make my own plans and go where and when I want to and also work when I want to. But the truth is that it is more difficult than people think.

4. What have you learned in all this time travelling alone?

I learned so many things. I mostly travel alone which makes me depend only on myself, it makes me stronger. Also, not everything will work out, there are good and bad days, good and bad people so you have to live with that and just get over it. And as well it is very easy to make new friends when travelling as we have the same passion.

5. Witch is the “side of you” that you began loving after have travelled so far?

Hm this is not an easy question. I always say exactly what I think and sometimes it makes things harder in everyday life, but when travelling it actually helped me to sort out many things that I could not probably if I didn’t say anything.

Viaggiare da sola

6. Do you think it is more dangerous travelling alone for a woman?

I actually don’t think so. Many people are nicer to you if they see you are travelling alone but like I said, there are also bad people everywhere. I sometimes carry a pepper spray with me just in case and if there is something suspicious, I say I do boxing which helps 🙂

7. Who is the most interesting person that you have met travelling?

There are many people I have met and most of them are now my best friends. The greatest thing is when a person turns out to be completely different and not boring like I could thing at first sight.

8. Usually when you travel for a long time do you prefer backpack or trolley? And why?

It depends on the location. In Europe and North America it is mostly with a trolley, in South America and Asia with a backpack. It makes it easier.


9. Your next project?

In 2013 I will do Adventure and Spa project in some countries around the world and will do some crazy adventures and also wellness in every place I visit. Most people, including me, need both adventure and relax for body and mind health.

10. Three reasons because you like travelling alone.

I can do what I want and when I want. I don’t have to wait for anyone if I just decide to go somewhere right now. I am also working when travelling so when alone I don’t have to explain to anyone that I have to work at night instead of going to a hostel party. And also when I am alone, I can eat my healthy stuff which many people would just not

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